
Fancy goods
As a result of its long experience in the sector, Conceria Ferrari offers a wide range of products for footwear and fancy goods. Careful selection of domestic and foreign raw hides for every single article, use of state-of-the-art tanning techniques, including wet blue, metal-free and chrome-free tanning, customisation, quality and innovation: all of these are part of our daily commitment at Conceria Ferrari, at the forefront of new product and colour development. Strict quality controls, carried out in the company’s own laboratory, aim to achieve uncompromising excellence and to consolidate partnerships with major international fashion brands.
Wide range of products for footwear
and fancy goods

Specialised in the production of leathers for the footwear industry with upper and lining articles.

Fancy goods
Decades of experience in the production of high-quality leathers tanned for the specific needs of fancy goods.
Customisation and a wide range of products processed by combining traditional craftsmanship with innovation and advanced technology.
Customisation and a wide range of products processed by combining traditional craftsmanship with innovation and advanced technology.